This site was founded by a small group of people who wished to pay tribute to an Italian company that operated on the Italian and US markets many years ago and, despite the early scepticism of the public, became a highly successful business. In particular,
thanks to the genius of its founder, the company earned respect not only for its products but for Italians at large.
“Geloso S.p.A” was the name of the company set up back in the 1930s and its founder was Giovanni Geloso, an engineer. It became an immediate success as a result of his outstanding accomplishments and his philosophy: he took the right decisions at the right time, most importantly to manufacture high quality products at low prices. Over the following decades the firm’s products included electrical components and systems, the first TV sets, amplifiers and much more.
Eventually it focused its activities on electromechanical engineering: product design, manufacture and testing of materials, resistors, moulded, mica and electrolytic condensers, loudspeakers, transformers, transmitters, magnetos, commutators, switches… The company also designed and built production and test equipment and instrumentation.
Its products gradually became known throughout Italy, in fact many Italians were introduced to and learnt about the world of electronics thanks to the celebrated Bollettini Tecnici Geloso, published by the firm. For enthusiastic radio hams and amateur radio technicians these modest house magazines were the only source of guidelines and know-how for assembling radio receiver kits. It was through sales of these kits that radio became so popular across Italy, especially in the country’s poorest regions. During these years Italy’s only specialized school – a private one, what’s more – was Istituto Radiotecnico A. Beltrami in Milan, Via Circo 4. Thousands of youngsters attended evening classes here, learning about the mysteries of Hertzian waves as they pored over books written by Montù, Recla, Ravalico and others.
Geloso’s finest years were the period 1950-65. Then came massive competition from the economically stronger USA, forcing the company first to downsize and eventually to wind up its operations. It left behind numerous gems like the legendary G.257 and won a permanent place in the hearts of countless enthusiasts.
This website is organized in different sections, where you will find presentations by the people who got together to set up the site, photographs of their personal collections, a page with links to firms operating in this sector, an e-mail section where you can contact us.
We want to say ‘thank you’ to everyone who visits the site and wish them ‘happy browsing’.

Thanks to Silvia Bonanomi for the translation.

Paolo Di Chiaro

Copyright © 2002 - 2025 by Paolo Di Chiaro