Guestbook - Read
We want to thank all those people who left in this page good words, kind thoughts, memories and suggestions: everything will be taken into great consideration.
Unfortunately this is a home made site, built on and updated in our spare time, and so many ideas and projects haven’t been carried out jet. But we intend to grow it up as soon as possible, for our and your passion.

Heartfelt thanks to everybody...

Name and surname: Carlos José Maçarico Silvestre date: 20/09/2008
Comment: Comprei recentemente o receptor G.4/218; psuo há muito um emissor G.4/225 e alimentação G.4/226. Mas necessito do relais principal da donte G.4/226 para a poder por a trabalhar como originalmente.Será possível? 73 (cumprimentos) de ct1tc - Cascais, perto de Lisboa; a Sueste de...

Name and surname: Monica Cardamone date: 17/09/2008
Comment: Mia nonnna, dopo quasi 30 anni, mi ha donato il Geloso con cui da bambina trascorrevo piacevolmente intere giornate! E' stupefacente ritrovare una parte della propria vita dentro un oggetto che, per tutti questi anni, si è conservato insieme ai ricordi! Grazie nonna! (..e grazie Geloso!).

Name and surname: Lacchini Maurizio date: 16/09/2008
Comment: Ho lavorato alla Geloso nel 1969 ed ho conosciuto
la figlia dell'ing.Giovanni Geloso.Bei ricordi

Name and surname: Raffaele Colasanto ik8isg date: 31/08/2008
Comment: Un bel tuffo nel passato. Grazie.

Name and surname: Francesco Pasero date: 26/08/2008
Comment: I would really like to thank Mr. John Geloso and all his family for having trusted my Grand Father and his invention, giving the possibility to produce and commercialize for many years and in big scale the "magnetofono".


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