The story - Franco Anafrini

In the J. Geloso plant in Viale Brenta there was an undeniable point of reference for any technical problem concerning the production of radio sets.Enlarge
We are talking about Franco Anafrini,the most skilledengineer in solving repairing problems within the manufacturing lines.
As he was considered the trustworthyfigurenot only within the plant, he also used to frequent the management and the ownership.
That’s the reason why his memories cover any aspect of the Geloso industrial history.
We met Mr Anafrini in his house, which is situated not far from the plant, and he appeared to be very willing to go back with his mind to the Geloso’s “golden age”.
By rummaging in his papers, he presented us with many pictures, together with some material which was becoming obsolete in the garage (differently from Franco, who looked enviably youthful and sprightly!) Enlarge
Franco Anafrini reminded us the beginning of his collaboration with Geloso in 1939, a career which went on uninterruptedly until 1972, despite some troubles during the war period.
Afterwards he opened a workshop for technical assistance on Geloso and other brands’ products.
This business was closed down just few years ago and many ex-employees still remember it.
In the picture below you can see what we consider to be the only existing example of the identification card for qualified technician dated back 1949 and signed by Mr Stolfa (another historic name of the company).
You can also find a reference to Mr Piazza, the last superintendent for the radio production department, whom we would like to meet soon.


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