...At late night in his studio he planned, calculated and drew new product both from a technical and esthetical point of view, determining in this way the distribution of the work among his collaborators. Anyway he found the time to cultivate the humanistic activities…….music letter, arts, historical study. All the sciences were congenial to him and every manifestation of life attracted him and inspired him a practical side to be developed, to be transformed in entities useful to everyone; also in this case he never miss to use a poetic vein. In this way he fed his own personality , so averse to any exterior manifestation and so full of natural modesty and simplicity that belongs to all the men intellectually and morally talented.
These qualities brought him to understand and keep in great consideration all his employees , trying to give them always a better treatment; this was due to coherence and practice of life more than to utilitarian reasons.
In summer 1968 the illness showed suddenly sapping his body; even if he was aware of his supreme strength of mind and opening to life he reacted as if nothing should happen and goes on living working as usual.
It is time now to look back and make a balance: a lot of things, result of professional reliability and technical genius. It comes naturally to think about the few workers of the beginning of the activity compared to the thousand workers that now directly or indirectly live in the firm , to think about the small premises of via Sebenico compared to the actual premises and the complex of satellite firms, to think about the first small items compared to the thousand of items present in the brochures during the years up to the last product realized during the last physical and moral sufferings that John Geloso bore as he was conscious to fulfil what he always considered his duty and moral creed: ensure a future to whom was working with him.
Than came the sad day when he needed to use all the courage to face with human feeling the last step of his life fulfilling it with Christian hope. Everyone who met him will always remember his clearness of ideas, his respect for work and for every human manifestation, for the human freedom, the interest for the progress and a spirituality that gave trust to anyone near him.
Everyone will remind his modest life that hides a so complex and complete personality.
Personality full of communicativeness, full of deep humanity and a brilliant sensibility of heart with a interior passion not always easy to hide while for his natural discretion he always hides his intimate affect, his deep concern for the family.
We remember with intimate feeling that after several and official recognitions, that he always tried to avoid, toward the end of his life he accepted joyful the attribution of the “gold frond” . The land of Liguria, to which he was strictly related, attributed him the " Gold Fronda" with this motivation:
“Pioneers of radio communications, daring starter in Italy of a technological school of particular value and exceptional efficacy , who contributed to give European and worldwide breath to the industry he created but above all contributes to build a new technical consciousness in social heterogeneous field in whom was attracted from the miracle of the radio between the two generations…”.
In 1968 with discrecy he left our life leaving a great regret, he came out from our life in a discreet way even having made great things.
He remains between us thanks to the enterprise that brings his name, creation - at first poetic before being material – through a mind that put into practice every creation and fantasy.
He remains alive in the infinite, infinite that many so times he looked at with cleverness and poesy and he remains alive also in the hearth if everyone who remembers him.
Original Source: http://www.fracassi.net/geloso_radio.htm
Thanks to Silvia Balconi for the translation.